We had a wedding in San Diego in August 2002, so we took the week and drove up the coast to San Francisco, with a few stops along the way.
Ben running around at the rehearsal dinner:
The ladies, dressed for the main event:
The kids enjoyed the reception as much (or more) as the adults:
Claire looked great in her wedding dress:
She also danced more than anyone, although it was tiring to be her partner:
A cake for their 43rd anniversary:
This Legoland is great - let's go:
Not sure if he's going up or down:
The beautiful coastline (but don't get too close to the edge):
Claire and Doreen taking a plane ride:
Ben rode the horse all by himself:
So did Claire, but it wasn't as big an accomplishment for her at 5:
In Golden Gate Park, Claire got to ride the carousel:
We all took a walk in Muir Woods with Debbie and Brian:
The redwoods were big enough to stand in:
Ben looked pretty cute there:
Both kids climbed into a tree: